Sisters in Service

The Sisters in Service organization of Trinity Lutheran Church exists to provide opportunities for Bible study and Christian fellowship for ladies of the congregation and to furnish occasions for service projects to the congregation and community.

Those service projects might include:

  • coordinating congregational dinners for events such as potlucks, Lenten or Advent dinners, funeral luncheons, baby & bridal showers, and special events or meetings
  • hosting coffee hour on Sunday mornings
  • making worship service banners or customizing baptismal napkins
  • bringing meals to shut-ins or those recently home from the hospital
  • visiting Shut-ins and those in the Hospital
  • organize decoration of the church for holidays
  • Christmas visits to the “shut-in” members
  • buy and organize kitchen supplies
  • organize kitchen cleaning 
  • Support Trinity Church in many other ways when the opportunity arises from cookies/bake sales or Easter/Christmas gifts for shut-ins.